A Park Town for future London

The team has been involved with this project in various guises since early 2016. Brent Cross Town is a major city building project in North London, which will over time include more than 6,500 new homes, workspace for 25,000 people and over fifty acres of new parks and public spaces.


Start continues to work for the Brent Cross Joint Venture, negotiating on land and other commercial matters as well as supporting London Borough of Barnet to resolve a complex strategic infrastructure set of funding and delivery requirements linked to the project.

We have been part of the senior strategy and delivery team throughout, rethinking the inherited masterplan to create a more deliverable, exciting and resilient platform for the development and then helping to secure that vision on site.


We led on the major land acquisitions across the scheme, completing multiple land deals, supporting London Borough of Barnet through three successful Compulsory Purchase Order processes (including subsequent High Court defences) and were part of the team that renegotiated the suite of contractual and funding agreements that had originally tied this project to a separate initiative to expand the Shopping Centre to the north.


Cambridge Biomedical Campus